Friday, June 22, 2018

Tips Eliminate Acne Overnight

Tips Eliminate Acne Overnight


When the face is decorated with a pimple, while the next day there is an important event, of course you want the acne lost in an instant. Here are five tips to get rid of acne flash, reported eHow. 1. Wash your face before bed and pat until dry. Then apply white toothpaste on the acne you want to remove. In the morning, wash your face clean. Squeeze the lemon and apply it to the pimples on the face before going to bed. The content of citric acid in lemon has been proven effective in treating acne. Let it sit overnight on the lemon. As soon as morning comes, wash your face with water.


3. Lavender oil can also treat acne. Apply a little lavender oil on stubborn pimples. The anti-bacterial content in lavender oil can help fight acne infections. This oil can also promote skin growth.4. Combine cinnamon and honey powder, then make a paste. Before going to bed, wash your face and apply the paste to the problematic face area. If you include a person who moves a lot during sleep, put a towel on the pillow so that the gel does not fall into the pillowcase. In the morning, wash your face with warm water. Separate the egg whites from the yolks. Then apply the egg white on the acne you want to remove. As quoted from detikhealth, eggs are rich in vitamins that can fight acne. Vitamin B2 is a natural stress reliever that ultimately also can prevent acne, because stress can increase oil production and cause acne. In addition, eggs also contain vitamin B3 which can increase blood flow in the body. While the zinc content can strengthen the immune system, heal wounds and help regulate hormones. All these functions are very useful to combat acne. Here are other powerful tips about acne: Here It's a Powerful Drug Kate Winslet Extinguished Acne Can Help Reduce AcneObati Acne Problem With Aspirin (eny / eny)


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